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(2 edits)

i love this game the art and the theme of the game are amazing.

-i would suggest making a more detailed way to see what the differents attacks do (or a guide off game,i like minmaxing games lol) it took me the whole chapter to understand how "hit 2 enemies" work and of course it took me long to understand that a weapon is better than kicks and fist but i like every choice you make about the combat would love to know in detail how stats work is not that necessary but some people would like it

-i find myself at the end of the game with a lot of loot to use because the knife already can deal with everything without problem and of course pierce is broken because the bleeding effect is not that great at least with the current enemies

-are you planning in changing the skin of the equipment to affect the sprite of chem?

-the gambling part can be saved scummed but i feel it was kind of unnecessary, i feel like you earn too much loot just from that part 

-other random thought that i was having mid game is that if mp means ammunition the character could have a slot for "ammunition bag" instead of increasing with a mask/gloves or level up

Hope to see updates :D

Thank you very much for your feedback. You're not the first to complain about the peirce damage. There are some things I'd like to change as well but that would require major overhauls and more gametesting - I once made the mistake of not putting enough items throughout the map, so it's haard to find a nice balance. But yes I should expand on the stat explanations. Unfortunately I cannot change the sprite from equipment to equipment- it's just too much work. Thanks for the ammunition bag idea but I'm already commited to the current mechanic.

Believe it or not, I'm about to put a pricetag on this chapter ($4 or $5) and reupload it with some changes- some noticable some not. I will also be releasing a free alpha demo of chapter 2 very soon. Thank you once again for playing.

tiene pensado traducirlo a otros idiomas como español o portugués?

sorry, I only plan on using english. I am a solo developer and translating into a different language would cost too much time and money. Again, sorry

si entiendo


So far the game is good, while the writing in some spots is a bit iffy, most of the time it's pretty decent, though I think you could nerf Pierce a bit, I found myself spamming it every fight because how good it was.

Though, my favorite moment is probably the final fight because I actually had to strategize instead of spamming Pierce and the cliffhanger was done well.

Hope to see more of this!


Thank you for your feedback. The next level will have flying enemies so the pierce will be less effective.

(2 edits)

Played this in mid-September. Saw the game got updated a day ago, played it again. Here's my review.

So I generally like the game as it currently is. The artstyle is nice. It seems unique while not flashy and pretentious. The plot is fine, nothing significant, but nothing bad either - good for a first chapter.

The gameplay is neat. Area design is nice aside from one area which I'll mention later. Secret pathways being used as, well, secrets, while also as shortcuts and plot points is nice. I also liked the dog gimmick. Builds on the plot and the general atmosphere. Training dummies and targets are better than the regular "level up and get a skill" system, which I found nice. Equips and skills also have some uniqueness to them.

It's solid for a first chapter, but it doesn't come without some drawbacks, albeit not major. Here's my nitpicks:

- The "new weapon found" screen can take maybe 0.5/1s faster to disappear? 

- Found a bug where a hidden path just goes nowhere. See screenshot.

- I liked the "choose your fight" segment with the dog, but the parts where you have to choose what you get seem a bit scummy. Maybe make it in future chapters so that you can come back and get these items later? Don't change the current area design.

- Description nitpick: Plastic Boomerang is seemingly "capable" of returning to it's owner... but is a one-time use item. Troll.

- Chem gets 107 hp at level 4. Does that tie into stats for the next chapter or is that a bug? It doesn't affect much, but it has me wondering.

Like I said, the first chapter is pretty solid and I like it. Minor issues here and there, but they can be fixed. Not sure at what rate the chapter will be released, but I can wait. Also I don't wanna rate this anything since the game is far from being finished so yeah.

Good luck with the development.

⚔︎ Nate



Hello and thank you for the feedback, it was very concise. Let me respond to the flaws as best as I can - not that I want to make excuses for them. 

1. Yep, that path to nowhere was suppose to have a secret, but I changed my mind and forgot to cover up the secret path- whoopsie. I'll put that on the to-do list for future versions.

2. 104 hp at level 4? I didn't think anyone would get to level 4 - I designed the first chapter to cap at level 3 - I suppose I could remove some enemy battles or fiddle with the level up stats.

3. The "new weapon jingle" is a bit too long, I know. But I may have to leave it in because fixing it would require more than just a simple adjustment. It may not be a priority but I'm sure I'll give it a shot before the next chapter.

4. The choose your item scumminess wasn't suppose to be annoying. My intention was to make it a gamble as to which item you receive. Not the best gamble mechanic I'll admit. I'd like to leave them in for the time being - If there are enough complaints about it then I may remove them later. but I'll tone it down in later chapters

5. Plastic boomerang was designed to be used indefinitely. If you used it in battle and it is no longer in your inventory, then I apologize. I will look into it right away. The idea was that [later in the game] when facing up to 9 enemies [also later in the game] you can maybe strike a few down in a single shot - otherwise, it's not the best item considering its low success rate.

This game will be years in development as I can only work on it in my spare time. Not sure if I'll upload chapter by chapter, or in one fell swoop. either way your feedback was a great help. I hope I touched some of the flaws. And I am proud of the story so far; I am an artist not a writer - I've never written a story since high school, (everything I know about writing, I've learned from youtube) so to hear that the story is passable is a win for me.